Winter CSA's Now Available

Find Details and Purchase at our Store

Discounts available for cash, check, and Venmo CSA purchase (email us for a Venmo request)


Saturdays at the CNY Regional Market C-Shed (March-December).

Order Online Wednesday for Thursday Pickup at the Curd Nerd (4pm-6pm) James St, Eastwood

Order Online by Friday for Saturday Pickup at Kairos Cafe (10-3:30) Green St, Syracuse or

Milk House Roastery (9:15-11:45) Townline Rd, Marcellus

No Till.

Four Seasons.

 Certified Naturally Grown.

CNG is a grassroots movement of farmers providing an alternative to USDA Organic.  Upon annual inspection, being CNG means free from:

  • Synthetic pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers
  • Corporate Conglomerates
  • Big Government


We started our farm in 2019 with the goal of producing local, naturally grown vegetables involving members of our family and community. Everything Saint Fiacres sells is produced on the farm. All vegetables and seedlings are grown from seed without the use of synthetic chemicals or pesticides. We don't use a tractor in vegetable production and we don't till the land.  Instead we have adopted no-till, sustainable, and efficient methods that include soil tests, OMRI certified soil amendments, flame weeding, stale seed beds, modern tools, organized systems, and good agricultural practices that are always being improved.  We aim to be transparent and have now chosen to join the Certified Naturally Grown Program. Farm tours are available and we are willing to answer any questions as best we can about the products and processes we use on our farm.




Regarding "Organic," reknowned farmer and author Elliot Coleman of Four Seasons Farm says it better than us:


We are NOT “USDA Certified Organic” – I repeat – NOT.

And for good reason. The USDA refuses to uphold the honest, old-time, carefully stewarded farming practices that organic has always represented. The USDA National Organic Program has been totally corrupted by the money, power, and influence of industrial food corporations. USDA certification is a hollow sham. For example:

Hydroponic vegetables, grown without soil using artificial lighting and nutrient solutions from the chemistry lab, are sold everywhere as “USDA Certified Organic” with no mention of hydroponic anywhere on the label. (If the “organic” berries come from Driscols, they are hydroponic. If the “organic” tomatoes and cucumbers come from Wholsum Harvest or imported from Holland, Canada or Mexico, they are hydroponic.)

Undesirable additives are allowed in your “organic” prepared foods. (A lawsuit to stop that was overruled with USDA collusion.) Enormous ‘Confined Animal Feeding Operations’ (CAFOs) with no access for the animals to outdoor pastures (as the regulations demand) are producing the majority of the “organic” milk and eggs in this country. (Most milk from Horizon and all from Aurora Dairy is produced in CAFOs. Eggs from Cal-Maine, Herbruck, or Petaluma/Organic Valley are from CAFOs.) The USDA turns a blind eye to this illegal production. The USDA recently scrapped new animal welfare standards for organic certification at the behest of these CAFOs.

The deep integrity of the passionate, old-time, organic farmers who began this movement is now nothing but greenwash for the USDA “fauxganic” program.

We believe our production practices reflect how organic farming has traditionally been done to produce clean, wholesome food and maintain a pristine environment.

We proudly advertise our produce as: GUARANTEED “REALORGANIC”.

We invite other farmers to join us.


First, for uncompromised nutritional value all crops must be grown in a biologically active fertile soil in full contact with the earth and nourished by the natural biological activities of that soil. Research into the marvelously complex soil micro-biome reveals the vital ecological processes that support natural, non-chemical food production.

Second, soil fertility should be maintained principally with farm-derived compost and mineral particles from ground rock. Why take the chance of bringing in polluted material from industrial sources when fertility can be created and maintained internally?

Third, deep-rooting green manures, cover crops, and grazed pastures must be included within broadly based crop rotations to enhance soil fertility and biological diversity. The greater the variety of plants and animals on the farm, the more stable the system.

Fourth, a “plant positive” rather than a “pest negative” philosophy is vital. The focus must be on correcting the cause of pest problems (weak plants) by creating optimum soil conditions to strengthen the plant, rather than merely treating the symptom (pest damage) by trying to kill the pests that are attracted to weak plants. More and more scientific evidence is available everyday on the mechanisms by which a biologically active fertile soil induces resistance to pests and diseases in the crops.

Fifth, livestock must be raised outdoors on grass-based pasture systems to the fullest extent possible. Farm animals are an integral factor in the symbiosis of soil fertility on the organic farm.

–Eliot Coleman
